The "Fun for the Boys" cartoon by William Bengough published on August 23rd, 1900 shows William H. Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, and William McKinley. In this anti-imperialism cartoon, these men are revising the declaration of independence and editing it. There's a ghost watching them as they do so and that is George Washington, who looks as very deep in thought.
W. Bengough is clearly against the US for acquiring the Philippines after Spain lost a war to the United States. The Philippines were outraged as they were seeking independence.
Genghis Khan, born Temujin around May 31, 1162, established the Mongol Empire in 1206, which became the largest entirely connected (contiguous) empire in history. It occupied approximately 22% of all land on Earth. Mongolia remains heavily nomadic, with approximately 30% of Mongolians being classified as nomads.
Silicon Valley is popularly known for gadgets, computers, and laptops. I think companies that would choose to be at that place are engaged in these kinds of business. It would also include repairs and technical support on troubleshooting that would support the technology.
<span>Capitalism is the answer
Hope I helped</span>