Way to much regulation always hurts businesses
There were a number of factors involved.
This is a summarized version of my answer which for some reason was blocked.
Growth of nationalism throughout Asia and opposition to European colonialism and imperialism.
Development of an educated nationalist elite who could analyze the need for independence.
The impact of the Japanese defeat of European powers throughout Asia during WW2.
Finally, after more trial and error, Diane grabs a stainless steel bowl—just like the one in her kitchen—and presses clay in a ring around the curved bottom. Because after many times failing, she keeps trying.
Answer: After WWI ended, Hitler turned to the Jews as a scapegoat to blame the lost on.
Explanation: Hitler also began using methods such as indoctrination to teach that there was an inferior race and noninferior race who were minorities such as the Jews and those with disabilities. Jews began to be targeted through events such as Kristallnacht/The Night of Broken Glass. Jews were then segregated into ghettos where there was a lack of food, diseases, etc. so they can slowly kill off Jews. When Hitler decided Jews were not dying fast enough, he turned to the Final Solution which was the mass murder of Jews.