B. All cultures take the same view on plagiarism.
Plagiarism is the act of taking someone else's idea and molding it to be one's own. When a writer extracts certain ideas or words of any other work, the process is said to be known as plagiarism. This involves unauthorized claiming of other's ideas to be one's own. The process and concept of plagiarism vary as per the culture and customs of different countries. There are various customs which specify and defines the act of plagiarism in different cultural background.
When using logic or common sense to solve problems that will be protected
Veracity evaluation of news media reporting and other types of communication, such as political speeches, is the aim of fact-checking. Learn about fact-checking and how to look into statements or news reports.
<h3>Specifying False News</h3>
- You may have heard of a 1998 Lancet article that suggested immunizations may contribute to autism.
- Although this study has subsequently been discredited, it is an intriguing illustration of how scientific research can be presented as "facts" when it may not be.
- Fake news is untrue information that has been carefully modified to appear as reliable journalistic reporting.
- It is then easily distributed online to huge audiences that are eager to believe the lies.
To learn more False News refer: