This is a hard one to answer. The reason is that you are asked to distinguish between 2 schools of thought that are very close together. Not only that, but the characteristic you are looking for is not mentioned in either description.
Since semiotics brings in many more fields of study than does iconography, then I would go with iconography. This school of thought seems content just to find the symbols according to its description. What is done with them is mentioned in the other school but is not elaborated upon.
My answer would be iconography.
Include small details to tell a story in a single frame. ...
Aim for variety in a series of shots. ...
Take control of the entire frame. ...
Plan ahead with a shot list. ...
Learn to narrow down, trim, and exclude. ...
Emotions are an important part of storytelling. ...
Don't forget about composition and lighting. ....................................................................................................
this was copied but i tried hope this helps tho (even tho i am most likey to get reported)
He knows Capoeira, Boxing, Tae Kwon Do, and also does mobility training with his coach Ido Portal
The reason i say TKD instead of karate is because there are many diff. style of Karate that each vary their stances. Also his kicks and stance resemble Tae Kwon do more than traditional karate
That’s cool man! i love it.!
In the 1950s and 1960s, young Americans had more disposable income and enjoyed greater material comfort than their forebears, which allowed them to devote more time and money to leisure activities and the consumption of popular culture.
Rock and roll, a new style of music that drew inspiration from African American blues music.