(Last sentence) Do you believe the story about the president (George Washington) who, as a boy, admitted to his father that he cut down the cherry tree?
Today, individuals in particular and society in general are enormously dependent on technology. That is to say, the human being has generated a dependency on all the technological tools available, in such a way that if they were missing, their daily organization would be altered in a transcendent way: today it is practically impossible to carry out a normal life without a car, internet or cell phone. Even minor issues are also demonstrative: practically nobody can explore an unknown place without a GPS, and even almost nobody makes their purchases without having first checked the Amazon or Alibaba web pages to compare prices before going to the store. In this way, it is evident how technology has broken into our lives, making us largely dependent on its advances.
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If the story would have been from Laurie's perspective, A. The audience would have been afraid of Laurie's mother because Laurie is so afraid of her, and C. The audience might have known that Laurie was misbehaving at school and making up the "Charles" character to mislead his mother.
It is clear that Laurie is afraid of his mother, he wouldn't have invented Charles to cover up for his misbehaving otherwise. This fear would have appear in the story, as well as the truth of his behaviour.
The rain inspired Carli to paint a picture of delicate roses, swirls of water, and jagged lighting bolts.