This is alliteration
Simile is when you compare two things using the word 'as'. For example:
"I'm as hungry <u>as</u> a horse" or "I'm as beautiful <u>as</u> an abstract artwork"
Metaphor is when you describe on thing as another using the word 'is'. For example:
"She <u>is</u> a fierce tiger" or "He <u>is</u> a walking dictionary"
Hyperbole is when you exaggerate or emphasize a statement. For example:
"I'm so hungry I'm going to DIE" or "It's hotter than the sun today"
Personification is when you give inanimate objects personalities or other human qualities. For example:
"The creek giggled a pretty little song on that warm spring day" or, if you watch Disney micky mouse, Pluto is a non personified dog, whereas Goofy is a personified dog. You can probably spot the differences =P
And Finally, Allitertion is using words that begin with the same sound. For example:
"Billy bob bends over to button his big budging bag"