8 May 1950
It was a crazy time being on the island with just schoolboys. We were on the plane to escape the war, but we had our own war. Many people think that children are innocent, that we are not capable of murder and brutal violence. But we are capable of such things. We can be savage. I desperately wanted to be civilised, building huts and trying to get rescued from the island. But in the end, I was one of them. I killed a boar yet I felt thrilled and was partly responsible for Simon’s death. I am ashamed of how evil I have become and can be.
I miss the civilised and responsible child I once was. But even though I have lost my childhood innocence and have seen more brutality than I could have ever imagined, I have never really lost who I am. I am still the Ralph that holds onto civilisation, and in some ways, I am still a chief. Leadership post-island life will be different as this time, I have a keen understanding of our human nature. And I want to be a better person to honour the death of my dear friends.
because she was able to remember that day
1. The main themes in The Crucible include the destructive power of lies, the importance of reputation, and hysteria and corruption
2. Some keywords from the movie are persecute, province, creed and somber.
3. Proctor will go to court to try to save those accused, but no one will believe him. Prediction: Because Rebecca Nurse has been accused, everyone else that has been accused will die. Prediction: Rebecca Nurse will die, and all the other people accused will also die.
Please mark me brainliest.