The definition of intricate is "very complicated or detailed."
Ex. "The painting was so intricate that it confused me"
Massive class inequality. Nobles and Clergymen were, in the French citizen's eyes, wasting money to fuel their lavish life style. They believed the 1% were living off the other 99% and they were right. France had a huge economic downfall after supporting the American Revolution so the citizens thought it unfair that the problem the government caused should be forced on them alone.
Answer: yes there should be, I feel like if there wasn’t people would get out of line and say too much
An increased presence of Christians in the Levant during the Middle Ages.
the development of military orders.
a polarisation of the East and West based on religious differences.
the specific application of religious goals to warfare in the Levant, Iberian peninsula, and Baltic region, in particular.
the increased role and prestige of the popes and the Catholic Church in secular affairs.
the souring of relations between the West and the Byzantine Empire leading, ultimately, to the latter’s destruction.
an increase in the power of the royal houses of Europe.
a stronger collective cultural identity in Europe.
an increase in xenophobia and intolerance between Christians and Muslims, and between Christians and Jews, heretics and pagans.
an increase in international trade and exchange of ideas and technology.
an increase in the power of such Italian states as Venice, Genoa, and Pisa.
the appropriation of many Christian relics to Europe.
the use of a religious historical precedent to justify colonialism, warfare and terrorism.
A narrative essay is the one that tells a story. It talks about a particular event or a series of events and describes the kind of experience that the writer (or protagonist) got from it. In other words, you have to write about what happened to you and how it influenced you.