45 times the numerator plus the denominator is most likely going to equal the same amount as if it were doubled.
To convert into decimal, move the decimal to the left by 6 positions.
It will be 0.00000563
Answer is A.
Step-by-step explanation:
2(2n - 1)
Step-by-step explanation:
Let x = the number of books Theo has read
Then 4x = four times the number of books Theo has read.
And 4n - 2 = 2 less than four times the number of books Theo has read
But 4n -2 = the number of books Maya has read
Factor the expression
4n - 2 = 2(2n - 1)
The factored expression is 2(2n - 1).
The lateral surface area is the area of the side thing, not the 2 circles.
If we imagine to stretch the side out, we can get a rectangle with base the circumference to the base circle, and height of 9 inches.
Therefore this area is pi*8*9=72π