Cytochrome c is an enzyme found in bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. Here it is given that the human amino acid sequence for cytochrome c differs at 12 locations from the sequence in horses and pigeons. This information might be useful for inferring in preliminary stages that horses and pigeons are closely related to each other since they both show similar amount of difference from humans.
However, this hypothesis is being made with respect to the the comparison between "humans and horses" and "humans and pigeons". To further test this hypothesis pigeons and horses should be directly compared to each other without the use of a third species like humans. Hence, the sequence for cytochrome c in horse and pigeon should be compared with each other rather than comparing to humans.
B. Virus.
In this case, since bacteria (A.) reproduce via asexual reproduction via mitosis and the animal (D.) and vegetal (C.) cells could reproduce via sexual or asexual reproduction depending on the organism, they do not need a host to start the replication of the DNA and therefore reproduce. In such a way, it is widely known that viruses need a host that facilitates the replication of their DNA or RNA (depending on the virus) since they only have their genetic information but they do not have neither the RNA nor the DNA polymerase that favor such process, that is why they need a host.
Best regards.
An Ion is exactly as stated it bears either a positive or negative charge.
an adaptation can be defined as an inherited trait which confers an evolutionary advantage to the organism in a certain environment
An adaptation, also known as an evolutionary adaptation, can be defined as any physiological and/or morphological inherited trait related to the improved evolutionary fitness of one organism in a particular environment. An adaptation improves the chances of survival and reproduction in a certain environment, thereby organisms carrying the adaptation have more chances to produce descendants and pass their genes to the next generation. Some classical examples of evolutionary adaptations include the long necks of giraffes that help them to eat leaves at the top of trees, light bones of flying birds, etc.