vernacular :
Vernacular (pronounced ver-NACK-you-lar) is everyday speech. It's just the way people talk in day-to-day life. ... Vernacular and formal writing are the main forms of diction, or styles of speaking/writing.
diction :
Choice of words especially with regard to correctness, clearness, or effectiveness.
The main idea of the book/movie twilight is YoUlL FiNd TrUe L0vE
Is something good that says in the story
Drawing a conclusion based on information presented is called an inference (:
Omg i remember reading this story! A fav!
Ok so:
Four sound are
planes bombing (unpleasant)
Marching of the nazis (unpleasant)
Children playing (pleasant)
Music? I forgot what the instrument was but they heard an instrument (pleasant)