No. "In the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may be justly pronounced the very definition of tyranny"
"United States"
Before the invasion was to take place, the most destructive war in history came to a shattering and rapid end. On August 6, the United States dropped the first atomic bomb over Hiroshima, ultimately killing as many as 140,000 people. Two days later, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan.
Hope it helps...
It's Muska
One reason why United states fought in ww1 was because the Germans attacked a U.S Navy boat,Another reason why is because the primary events that led to the United States declaration of waragainst Germany were the Zimmerman Telegram and Germany's announced intention to resume unrestricted submarine warfare. American sentiment had leaned toward the Allies and against the Central powers for some time.
i tried my best
The expansion of railroads created more ways for things such as general goods to be shipped elsewhere to buyers or companies. (Hope this helps a bit, sorry for such a short answer.)
The answer to this question is China and India.