A person that is uncool or not popular.
2, 4, and 5
1. In an emergency operation, a Jehovah’s Witness
patient is given a blood transfusion.
2. Paula does not speak English, and the clinic she
visits does not have an interpreter.
3. Gina, a nurse, gives a hug to Pauline, an elderly
French woman.
4. Ahmed, a Muslim patient is served chicken soup.
5. Gansho, a Buddhist, is served steamed fish.
The correct answer is A. Contemporary legend. These two terms are completely synonymous and interchangeable.
Seeing dinosaurs is diffuclt. First of all , they are extinct also meaning that they perished. Although you can still see their remains Second, dinosaurs are trouble. They are carnivorous. Third, you can't have conversations with them, considering the animal language is the hardest. In conclusion, seeing dinosours is diffuclt because they are extinct, they are trouble, and you cant have a conversation with them.
this is cool how can u write so much spanish?
Mi amor has ido a hacer el pago así que no confías en mí tu amor, ok, envía cualquier cantidad que tengas ahora, completaré otra, ok, para los documentos que traeré, pero si no puedes creer o enviar algo de nuevo, olvídate de todo lo que tengo intenté lo mejor que pude y tú también has intentado lo suficiente