<u><em>During the First triumvirate the political order was in chaos and the Republic was in a serious difficulty moment. Basically what happened during the First and second Triumvirates in Rome was that the leaders of Military forces appropriated illegally of the power started to dominate the Roman.</em></u>
Britain owned the tea company
By imposing outrageous taxes and laws,Britain of america by using pokeballs,after being trained by the power ash.Because of this pokemon where using thunderbolt to defeat humans
This is called the peace of Vassar.
This was the treaty signed on Aug. 1664, published in late September,It was signed as aftermath of the battle of saint Gotthard .This treaty lasted for 20- years. However, it received a set back in 1683,where a full scale war which lead to siege of Vienna occurred.
The name ''Vasvar'' means house, thus peace of Vasvar refers to as Piece house, solely because the vasvar was the office of the Capitulum of Vasvar, who was a legend.Thus it was said that the treaty was signed in the peace house; as a legendary treaty.