I'm pretty sure (D) is the right answer
Answer: Featured Article:
Maternal Mortality in Nepal: Addressing the Issue
By Roman Shrestha
2012, Vol. 4 No. 10 | pg. 1/4 | »
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Maternal Mortality in Nepal
Risk Factors in Nepal
Preliminary Analysis
Intervention Plans
Outcome Indicators
Generalizability of Interventions
Maternal Health Maternal Mortality Prenatal Care Public Health Nepal International Health Antenatal Care
Each year around 358,000 women die because of complications during pregnancy or childbirth and many more encounter serious problems (WHO, 2012). The vast majority of these problems occur in low-income countries, where poverty increases sickness and reduces access to care. These deaths occur within a context of gender-based, economic, political and cultural discrimination and neglect of women’s right to equal status and equitable access to services. Nearly all of these deaths are preventable because the majority of deaths are caused by hemorrhages, sepsis, hypertensive disorders, prolonged or obstructed labor, and unsafe abortions (Rosenfield, & Maine, 1985).
A) Writing everything down in your fitness log
People usually have a growth spurt when they are going throw puberty. Some people grow more than others, The definition of a growth spurt is an occurrence of growing quickly and suddenly in a short period of time.
World War I & World War II