Qualitative data is more about the quality of the data you're collecting. Quantitative data is how much(numbers) is in the data set.
b. The US economy was in a depression.
Found it on quizlet lol
hope it helps
Cowboys originated in Mexico.
When the spanish conquerors arrived, they started stablishing ranchs and farms, and the role of the <em>vaquero </em>(from the spanish word <em>vaca</em>) was coined to name the men who took care of the livestock, and who were also good with certain skills like herding, roping and riding.
As the ranching practices were spread, so did the culture of the cowboy, including their clothing style and their skills.
The first cowboys had different backgrounds like Mexican, Native American and African American, among others.
The territories were very spead out, making it difficult to rule the empire.