To basically make sure you've made your claim clear, and to re-instate your claim just one last time, and add any examples you've missed.
Commercial speech is one of the categories of speech that enjoys lesser protection under the First Amendment.
Two types of commercial speech in particular, are given less or null protection: false advertising, and misleading advertising. The justification is to protect the rights of consumers, and of other companies.
If Pizza Hut prints materials that are untruthful about Papa John's, then Pizza Hut is committing misleading advertising, because it is spreading false information about its direct competitor. In this scenario, Pizza Hut could easily sue Papa John's in court, and win the case.
The population of California grew significantly, largely due to servicemen who were stationed at the new military bases/training facilities and mass influx of workers from around the U.S. in the growing defense industries. ... Over 500,000 people moved to California from other states to work in the growing economy.