A: When you give something a chance, sometimes your opinion of it may change for the better.
While reading the story, Tanisha thinks of the camera in a negative light, only saying bad things about it, and when she finally decides to use it it's out of boredom and not curiosity (She is only curious about why her father values it so much.)
B If that was the author's point, they would've included more nature in the story, and not make Tanisha's feelings about the camera so visible.
C If the author's point was to bash social media and blame it for the world's problems, they wouldn't have talked much about the antique camera, focusing more on Tanisha's life on social media and making it a bigger problem throughout the story.
D The author didn't mention Tanisha's father a lot, except for when Tanisha was thinking back to how she got the camera. They also didn't push the father's opinions onto the reader, he only valued the camera and gifted it to his daughter. Although they don't need to have somebody's opinions pushed onto you to get their point across, it would've made this option make more sense if that was their point.
Remembering God, life under the sun, sovereignty of God, wisdom and enjoyment of life.
The <u>Book of Ecclesiastes is the 21st book in the Old Testament of the Holy Book</u>. It contains 12 chapters, all of which have the recurring themes of life's meaninglessness and the sovereignty of God.
From the very first chapter of the book, the author, King Solomon delves into how <u>meaningless human life is without God</u>. He stresses the life of man under the sun, where all things seem meaningless unless living with God. He also focuses on the need to remember God and his great nature, his ever providing nature. He states in Chapter 2: 24-25, <em>"A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?"</em> In chapter 6:2, he says <em>"God gives some people wealth, possessions and honor, so that they lack nothing their hearts desire, but God does not grant them the ability to enjoy them, and strangers enjoy them instead. This is meaningless, a grievous evil"</em>. And in chapter 8:17, he states <em>"I saw all that God has done. No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun"</em>.
The heat in the Earth's interior comes from the mantle
Third-person omniscient is used to allow the omniscient, or all knowing, narrator to show readers what multiple characters are thinking. This provides the advantage of being able to switch between multiple characters' perspectives. The reader can then interact and relate to multiple characters, and the story can be more depthful.