En geografía, un huso horario es cada una de las 24 áreas en que se divide la Tierra, por un meridiano y en las que rige por convención el mismo horario.1 Se llaman así porque el área demarcada tiene la forma de un huso de hilar, centrado en el meridiano de una longitud que es un múltiplo de 15°. Anteriormente, se usaba el meridiano tiempo solar verdadero, con lo que la diferencia entre una ciudad y otra era de unas pocas horas, en el caso de que las ciudades comparadas no se encontraran sobre un mismo meridiano. El empleo de los husos horarios corrigió el problema parcialmente, cuando los relojes de una región suenan al mismo tiempo solar medio.
Todos los husos horarios se definen en relación con el denominado tiempo universal coordinado (UTC), huso horario centrado sobre el meridiano de Greenwich (también conocido como meridiano cero), que recibe ese nombre por pasar por el Real Observatorio de Greenwich, en el Gran Londres.[cita requerida]
Puesto que la Tierra gira de oeste a este, al pasar de un huso horario a otro en dirección este, hay que sumar una hora. Por el contrario, al pasar de este a oeste hay que restar una hora. El meridiano de 180°, conocido como línea internacional de cambio de fecha, marca el cambio de día
<span>1. The Han period was considered a Golden Age of Chinese civilization because D. because of advances in science, medicine, technology, and the arts. This period is known as the most prosper one that caused the foundation of China as a unified state under a central imperial bureaucracy and led to the great extension of the China lands.
2. Buddhism’s Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path most likely appeal to so many people because A. They promised a way for people to end worldly suffering. According to the main characteristics of Buddhism, through the right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right "samadhi" people can attain nirvana, stop their suffering and get their souls relieved.
3. The circumstances which contributed to the decline of the Han dynasty are:C. destruction caused by natural disasters, D. internal peasant revolts. and E. attacks by powerful warlords. Droughts and famine during the late Eastern Han dynasty posed as the major reason of decline and led to the peasant revolts. Also,local officials had too much power; their acknowledgment of the weak sides of the emperor helped them to manipulate and attack the emperor.
4) The Silk Road is considered an important part of Chinese history because D. It promoted the exchange of Western and Chinese goods and ideas. This ancient network of trade routes stretched through the Asian and European ( from the Korea and Japan to the Mediterranean Sea) countries which led to total success in both imports and exports.
5. Shi Huangdi imposed allegiance to a central government B. by replacing feudal states with military districts run by loyal officials. This decision of him was absolutely sensible as it helped his to show how he appreciates all the members of central government, and, as a result, it strengthened the state apparatus.
6. The advances which Han scientists made are: A. created more accurate calendars and D. invented the compass. The development of accurate calendar in China was one of the most famous and distinguishing achievements that took place during the Han dynasty, as well as the invention of compass. The compass was made of lodestone which is a naturally magnetized ore of iron.
7. I am definitely sure that the correct answer is about the o</span>ccurrence of (B) missionaries and traders spread Buddhism to other parts of Asia. It's the most suitable option from given above
<span>8. The ways how the causes of the Han decline exemplify the Chinese idea of the dynastic cycle are shown here: B. The aging dynasty could no longer maintain roads and canals. and D. Natural disasters indicated the dynasty had lost heaven’s favor. According to the Dynastic cycle theory, each dynasty successfully rises to its peak and then gradually declines due to moral corruption. Then it loses the Mandate of Heaven, and falls in order to be replaced by a new dynasty. These characteristics nicely reflects the causes of Han decline.
9. The ways how Han civil service system created a valuable legacy for future governments are: B. Government jobs were assigned according to merit measured by performance on exams. D. It established a long-lasting civil service system founded on strong Confucian values. During Han dynasty, civil service system employed examination that was needed and experienced to choose candidates for the state bureaucracy.
10. The ways how legalism helped Shi Huangdi centralize Han power are: B. It emphasized that the strength of a ruler rather than his goodness was most important. D. It asserted that people are greedy, and only tough laws and punishments can maintain order.The first emperor of China is famous not only for his majesty, but also for his cruelty and coolness. He took legalism as a basis of Chinese official ideology. This term ignored moral issues and was aimed to achieve governmental goals such as security and stability through strictness and focusing on autocracy.</span>
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Africa is the continent that has the biggest number of countries with GDP below $100 billion. In total it has 46 countries under $100 billion and this continent has 54 countries in total. Gross domestic product (GDP) is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a period of time, often annually or quarterly.