I think they could give woman a chance to work instead of slavery because back then half the population was just doing chores.
slave revolts!
Slave owners lived in constant fear of slave revolts, and justly so. The average holding varied between four and six slaves, and at the peak of slavery in the US slaves occupied more than 20% of the population. If slaves were to get fed up with their horrible situation they might be able to overpower their masters and begin freeing slaves from other plantations. These fears were further amplified by the Hattian Rebellion in 1791 in which the local slaves brutally killed 75,000 French citizens, gaining their freedom in the process. Many in the United States feared that a similar situation would unfold if their slaves rebelled en masse.
Hope This Helps!
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Hebrew Bible
In the first question, Hebrew Bible is the best answer because it encompasses all the Hebrew Scriptures, including the Torah (the books of Moses) which tell the early history of the patriarchs of the Hebrews. "Ketuvim" and "writings" are the same thing (Hebrew name and English name), and included poetic books like Psalms and Proverbs.
The history of Europe covers the peoples inhabiting Europe from prehistory to the present. The period known as classical antiquity began with the emergence of the city-states of ancient Greece. Later, the Roman Empire came to dominate the entire Mediterranean basin. The fall of the Roman Empire in AD 476 traditionally marks the start of the Middle Ages.
Family Vacation because it is talking about immigration and not having a vacation to the United States.