Group of concrete nouns is
Library, books, America
Concrete Noun:
Nouns which can be perceived by any one or more of five senses (i.e touch, sight, hearing, taste, smell) are called concrete nouns. In other words things which have a physical existence are called concrete nouns Physical existence does not imply weight and matter only - it can also be light, noise, rainbow etc.
Some obvious examples of concrete nouns are table, room, glass, computer etc.
Opposite to concrete nouns are
Abstract Nouns: These nouns can not be perceived by five senses. They exist only as an idea. e.g wisdom, laziness, beauty etc.
Name of real countries, places, cities are considered concrete nouns. Country/city/town are also concrete nouns so are river, school, college.
Whereas paradise, colleague, angels, life, values, freedom are all abstract nouns.
he is going to hurt or hit the narrator with the black ball
by putting his head down of it
Time's fool is referring to any concept that becomes lost in time. Love is an intangible and uncontrollable feeling, yet is felt instantly and does not waste time to be present.