Tahukah kamu, mengapa motor berhenti di depan lampu merah?
karena motornya direm. Coba kalau nggak direm bisa bahaya tuh.
Tebak binatang apa yang jago renang?
Bebek. Kalau ikan bukan renang tapi menyelam
Kenapa di rel kereta api ditaruh batu?
Soalnya kalau ditaruh duit nanti pada diambil.
A suffix
Suffix is at the end of a word but prefixes are at the beginning of the word.
By being shy and always having your head down and not talking to anyone
B. Emit
The first thing to do for questions like these is determine the relationship the first two words have with each other. Because “exhibit” and “display” both mean “to show,” they are synonyms. As such, the word pairing with “send” should be its synonym. One possible meaning for “send” is “transmit.” As such, the word in the options that means “transmit” is “emit,” which is the correct response.
The meaning is that the oppressed know and understand what their experiences are. Oppressors can’t understand or determine the truth of the oppressed because they have no understanding of how the oppressed feel. The oppressed also see the truth in the behavior for the oppressors. For example, black people know the truth of their oppression because we specifically have the experience.