C Quick Answer
Her religious background in the main body of the what was given establishes her as a Quaker. If that's all she was, she would have been forgotten 10 years after her death. D is almost irrelevant: it is not the answer.
B is true but the main body of the excerpt is much more concerned with why she broke "the law" and voted.
That could have been put somewhere in the paragraph, but it is not a good conclusion.
C is right because after her death, what she worked tirelessly to achieve came to pass with the passage of the 19th amendment.
The most enslaved people in the world for the longest period of time is definitely women. The 19th Amendment was part of a needed change in world (male) thinking.
The first one is Past Simple and next is Past Perfect. Personality, I think, that the first is better
Brave. He is brave because faced every monster and overcome every obstacle that got in his way
Clever. He was clever when he made a plan to defeat Polyphemus. And he was clever when he put the wax in their ears to get past the siren.
Loyal. He was loyal how even tho he was faced with calypso and Circe he stayed faithful to Penelope.
The type of invention that interested the narrator's mother was to draw sketch of things such as spiral of co-rk-scr-ew, ha-n-dier handle, etc.
"Daughter of Invention" is a short story written by Ju-lia Alv-arez. The story is about Cu-ckita and her mother, who is accustomed to inventing something every night.
The narrator mentions that her mother used to create every night, in the corner of her room, as if a scholar burning the midnight oil. She used to draw sketched of various things in the notepad brought by Cu-ckita's father from office.