In an oligopoly type of market, there are only few producers whom dominate the market. This is the market type wherein there are only small number of firms that control the majority of the market share. The opposite to Perfect Competition, wherein there are unlimited number of producers. In an oligopoly, since there are only a few numbers competitors, each firm is likely to be aware of each other's action.
The heat from hotter object goes to the cooler object. when they reach the same temperature the heat flow will stop.
Measurement (Count) of Cell Numbers:
1. Breed Method:
A known volume of microbial cell suspension (0.01 ml) is spread uniformly over a glass slide covering a specific area (1 sq. cm). The smear is then fixed by heating, stained, examined under oil immersion lens, and the cells are counted.
Customarily, cells in a few microscopic fields are counted because it is not possible to scan the entire area of smear. The counting of total number of cells is determined by calculating the total number of microscopic fields per one square cm. area of the smear.
Matution include changes as small as the substitution of a single DNA building block, nucleotide base, with another nucleotide base.... Other matutions result in abnormal protein product.