Anti-Federalists wanted the addition of political rights that would specify the powers of the government and police while protecting the freedom of speech and gun rights.
- In the beginning, the Bill of rights was opposed by the Anti-Federalist party and several arguments were raised.
- Arguments regarding the increase in no of slavery people and how this amendment resolves the issue in the society.
- Anti-Federalist believe that this act may deny their individuals from freedom and political rights.
- Bill of Rights explains the constitution with ten sets of principles.
- This amendment safeguards an individual's personal, public, security and political rights.
The Additional states sucede after the battle of fort summer because they have fears that slavery will stop in there states and it will distrup the business or affects the Economies of there states negatively
When Abraham Lincoln was elected into the office of the president, some states in the south fears that he might end slavely, so they sucede but not all of the southern states suceded, about four states in the south still remain in the United States of America which was popular called back then as the UNION .This four states taught the President will not end slavely at first but after the battle of fort Summer, they realize that the slavely will be abolished. So they join the first group of seven states that earlier declared Independence from the UNION
Art, math, science, maybe psychology
Because of the enslaved persons clause, escaped enslaved persons from one state cannot be PROTECTED by other states. The clause required slaves who flees to another state to be returned to the owner in the state from which that person escaped.
A Historical Novel is valuable for gaining context about a historical event but is unreliable as evidence. Historical Novel can give us an idea about how the events can be linked and some material is useful for reference.
But it is purely fictional. Therefore, it is not possible to use it as evidence for the events occurred. Hence, a Historical Novel can be referred to for gaining information or some context but is not reliable.