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With the major Europeans Countries going bankrupt, and inflation rises in their economy, the realities of the postwar dawned on Europe. This disillusionment showed that, despite the wars fought, the problems before the war still persist, and in the end, the war achieves nothing.
For many European countries, with increase in inflation, they regretted going into war, and the fact that, despite a lot of lives and industrial properties that were wasted, they sill go back to even a poorer condition before the war. Therefore, for many European countries, postwar disillusionment creates changing of political system, which eventually led to political instability, and even gave rise to dictatorship in some cases.
Answer:l abicionismo es una doctrina que defiende la anulación de leyes, preceptos o costumbres que se consideran atentatorios a principios éticos y morales. El término se aplicó principalmente a la corriente que propugnaba la abolición1 de la esclavitud. Tiene total relación con el liberalismo (siglos XVIII-XIX), aunque ya habían surgido abolicionistas en siglos anteriores, como los religiosos Francisco José de Jaca y Epifanio de Moirans, entre ot
Aún hoy en día, en pleno siglo XXI, sigue existiendo esclavitud incuestionable en determinadas áreas de países como Brasil. En el año 2003, por ejemplo, el entonces presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva hizo publicar una lista con los nombres de los hacendados condenados en las dos últimas décadas por tenencia de esclavos.
Existe evidencia que permite reconocer de las estrategias de resistencia de las mujeres negras esclavizadas que les permitieron demandar su libertad durante el período colonial para, las cuales estuvieron dirigidas a enfrentar el discurso del poder colonial mediante el recurso de las demandas judiciales, en una época en la que se suponía que no sabían, no podían o no tenían por qué hacerlo.
Explanation:Food surpluses affect people and populations because if you have a food surplus, you can have more children. You could also focus on other jobs. What resources were necessary for villages to grow into cities. Heating, glass, iron, people, stores, roads, were all necessary resources for villages to grow.
2. America and Europe taking resources from Africa.
3. Because of Africa' untapped natural resources to enrichen the Empires of Europe.
Because of their oppression of exercising their voice under the rule of the British government, the American colonists believed heavily on the freedom of speech. They believed that the government should allow its citizens to vocalize their points of views through its representatives. As the American Revolution progressed the call for vocal freedom increased.