Innocence analysis the theme of Spring and Fall.
Due to various misrepresentaion and dismination of media content, true background story will be effective because it will shock the reader into action which will make them to consider checking and searching for fact themselve than depending on the media.
The following are the effect of knowing the true background of the photo have on the reader:
It makes the reader consider the idea that the media doesn’t always tell the true story.
It shows the reader that when it comes to persuasive media, you can’t always trust what you see.
"The Four Hundred" list was a phrase coined by Ward McAllister, a rich New Yorker who thought that there were exactly 400 people in New York who mattered. This elite was strictly limited, in his opinion, which means that people within this circle held up to each other, disregarding the outside world and always trying to become better than the neighbor: they wanted to spend more, live in bigger homes, have more expensive cars, all in hope to better show off their top position on the social ladder.
Thesis is basically just a statement or it could be a theory which is an educated guess that is waiting to be proven