C, D , E , F.
These all are connected with money.
Sorry if I don't get this right I never had this question before.
a. The DVDs, CDs, albums, and video games held for sale to customers.
Classification: Assets
b. A long-term loan owed to Citizens Bank.
Classification: Liability
c. Promotional costs to publicize a concert.
Classification: Expense
d. Daily sales of merchandise sold
Classification: Revenue
e. Amounts due from customers
Classification: Asset
f. Land held as an investment
Classification: Asset
g. A new computer purchased for office use.
Classification: Expense
h. Amounts to be paid in 10 days to suppliers
Classification: Liability
i. Amounts paid to property owner for rent.
Classification: Expense
an increase in the working population
The Production possibilities frontier (PPF) is a curve that shows the various combination of two goods a company can produce when all its resources are fully utilised.
The PPC is concave to the origin. This means that as more quantities of a product is produced, the fewer resources it has available to produce another good. As a result, less of the other product would be produced. So, the opportunity cost of producing a good increase as more and more of that good is produced.
The PPF can shift either inward or outward.
An outward shift is associated with an increase in output while an inward shift is associated with a reduction in output.
Factors that cause the PPF to shift
1. changes in technology. technological progress leads to outward shift of the PPF. introduction of "fiber optic" technology would shift the PPF outward.
2. changes in available resources. a land reclamation program would increase the land available for production and this would increase output. While an explosion destroying a chemical plant would reduce output and lead to an inward shift of the PPF
3. changes in the labour force. A decrease in unemployment would increase output and shift the the PPF outward
Working population is the number of people between 15-59.
Agree with the statement.
Structural unemployment refers to the mismatch of the abilities of the workforce of the economy with the changing ability requirements demanded by the industries in the economy.
This mainly happens because of the new technological innovations and the obsolete education system in a country. One a new technology or a new innovation comes in, the knowledge and the experience possessed by the workers become obsolete.
To eliminate the structural unemployment, the education system, higher education system, professional education system and national employee training and development policies has to be changed and updated accordingly with the changing global market skills demand.