It was a World War 1 battle fought between the Ottoman defenders and troops of the British Empire.
In simpler words, the multi-part question is asking for you to first analyze the three sources, then pick a side and have knowledge to defend your point on the question 'to what extent should nations pursue their national interests'.
In source 1, it shows that the majority of Canadians are opposed to sending troops to Afghanistan, with 36% voting for, 5% unsure, and 59% voting against.
Source two is clearly depicting the nazi's, at a rally held in Nuremberg. Although the source does not state if the protesters are pro or against Nazi regime, I am assuming they are pro. This would lead to the assumption that the people of Nuremberg are pro-Nazi empire.
The source 3 is a timeline, that goes from 1920 to 2005. This time period is very significant, because it captures many important battles, such as world war 2, Persian Gulf War, and the Iraq invasion.
After reading these three sources, you must decide if you think it is good for nations to pursue their national interests, or bad.
Hope this long explanation helped clarify the troubling question for you!
If you owe money then you are in debt. So by that it would be a debtor.
The Beatles were a rock band from England that were very popular in the 1960s.
In February 1964, The Beatles arrived to the United States and they brought with them the song "This Boy". This particular song was intriguing and complex and it used musical techniques that helped transform it into a great song to perform on stage.
"This Boy" had a sheer liberation of the bridge. The song, written in D major, and resembling a doo-wop sequence in 12/8 time before moving to the difficult middle eight, and back again for the final verse and finally fading out.
Banks make the most money and take the most risk with an interest rate of
18 percent because the more interest you give in the more risk you'll lose it.