Answer: The Christianity that was spread across Europe during the middle ages was based on the scriptures that recounted the life of the Christ and his disciples. The Christian Church had its own lands, laws and taxes. The Church was so influential that it too collected taxes from its followers.
The Great Schism is the title given to the rift that formed in the Church in the eleventh century A.D. This separation led to the "Roman Catholic" Church, hereafter known as the Western Church, and the "Greek Catholic" or "Greek Orthodox” Church, hereafter known as the Eastern Church.
"What were the goals of american foreign policy during the Ford and Carter years, and how successful were Fords and Carters policies? ford wanted to improve relations with the USSR and China, whereas Carter wanted to end political oppression and bring freedom and justice to those in need."
"Carter's greatest foreign policy achievement was what? when he helped negotiate a historic peace agreeent between Israel and Egypt, The Camp David Accords. What was the central concern of Carter's foreign policy? relations to Soviet Union, Supporting brutal dictators in Central America."
the first industry to be regulated by the united states government was oil