Ji-Li's aunt- humiliated by Red Guards because she refused to let children pick her mulberry leaves. Aunt Xi-Wen had to paste a da-zi-bao to her front door saying terrible things about her.
Hydration is the process by which required fluids are replaced in the body through the use of an intravenous infusion which consists of pre-packaged fluids and electrolytes. The main importance of hydration intravenous infusion is to hydrate a body system so as to avoid dehydration which could lead to other infections and even death.
Before hydration can be administered to a patient, he/ she must have a record of either lack of or poor fluid intake or excessive loss of fluid over a period of time.
More of the world's population is now concentrated in heavily populated urban areas known as <u>megalopolis</u>. This is quite a contrast from the past, when <u>indigenous</u> or native groups were either farmers or <u>nomads</u>— hunters and gatherers who moved between places in search of food. Advanced technology has led to <u>globalization</u>, the integration of world economics and cultures, in the world's more developed countries. This integration requires increased <u>conservation</u>, the responsible use and management of natural resources.
Ok so aperently you know nothing of the nazis so to keep m from writng and esssay i'm not going to explian it but a concentration camp is were the nazis used to torture jews and kill them i know a lot more about the nazis than ishould becuase my great great grandad was imprisoned in achwitz and he escaped.