who is this person to you? best friend? family member?
what did you lose? phone? expensive item of some sort?
tell me those two things and i could most likely help :D i hope your not getting into trouble
In the book: "Out of My Mind", Melody, the main character is frustrated.
The evidence can be seen in the part where Melody is put in a program special for slow learners.
The program is not near her level and the program eats more time with teaching on a single alphabet, which makes her crazy.
Melody, the protagonist here is showed as a child who has difficulties in carrying out physical actions but has a great grasping memory which is not understood by everyone.
She wishes to be like 'normal' kids but most of the people around her give her difficult times including her class teacher.
1. If they are in a big foreign country, they will know that it’s bigger out there
2. Kids will experience some fun activities that they can’t do at home
3. You enjoy discounts in foreign country’s.
1. Kids will be uncomfortable when traveling to foreign country
2. They might not remember the trip so much.
3. They maybe of violence and very little security when in foreign countries
preparing dinner
object of a preposition
In <em>very simple words</em>, gerunds are nouns (that end in -ing). As nouns, they can function as subjects and objects depending on their position in the sentence.
Enkidu is a strong and uncultured “wild man created by the gods. He is as powerfull as Gilgamesh.
However Gilgamesh represents culture and education, Enkidu was raised in the wild, live in the forest with animals.
The gods sent Enkidu to help in Gilgamesh behaviour.
Enkidu's death changed completely Gilgamesh's life.