The steps I took were to use Mongol tactics like using horses to pillage others and flanking them
I made the 2nd largest empire in history
Amazing if they were Mongols, Misery if they were anyone else
After my death my succsesrs ( sorry for bad spelling lol ) couldn't share power so they just split the lands and caused wars and stuff
<span>They traced an inheritance of dominion from the Western Roman Empire through the original coronation of the Frankish King Charlemagne as Emperor by Pope Leo III in the year 800 AD, after Charlemagne successful linked territories in Germany, France, and Northern Italy under his rule.</span>
Everything tbh. But they can't and can at the same time. See the dilema here is that for the goverment if there were not any problems concerning animals and such then people would start become more problamatic towards the goverment about things they dont want to disscus. the goverment is weird and sneaky like that. We dont know what is real and what is not.
The answer would be criminal i think