What makes a good sales pitch is the ability to appeal to people's wants not their needs.
So people would rather buy a product that they would want rather than one they actually need. It's like why people buy carbonated beverages at the grocery store instead of water or health centered drinks. It doesn't matter if it's bad for you, if it's good and yummy they'll buy it.
So equating this to a location would be talking about all of the places tourists visit most. Famous restaurants, famous landmarks, see whether or not anyone famous lives in Arizona. Bring up pop culture references. Talk about famous movies that were shot there. It's all about show, it doesn't matter if it's an actually interesting place.
Bring up the Grand Canyon and how breathtaking it is to see (despite not ever visiting it), talk about the unique sandstone formations, you can talk about Pizzeria Bianco which is 8th best rated restaurant in Downtown Phoenix, or Durant's another famous restaurant. Bring up movies like Poltergeist II, Forest Gump (Flagstaff, Arizona), Transformers (Grand Canyon, Arizona), Star Trek: First Contact (Green Valley, Arizona), Star Trek Generations (Green Valley, Arizona), The Exorcist II: The Heretic (Page, Arizona), Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Page, Arizona), Planet of the Apes (Page, Arizona), etc.
An ad is really just enticing your audience into wanting what you're selling, regardless of how nonsensical it is.
Hope this helps!
The water cycle consists of three major processes: evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Evaporation is the process of a liquid's surface changing to a gas. In the water cycle, liquid water (in the ocean, lakes, or rivers) evaporates and becomes water vapor.
1) Las montañas ubicadas en las coordenadas 28º N 86º E son las de la cordillera del Himalaya, dado que dichas coordenadas se corresponden con la región de Nyalam, en el Tíbet, dentro de la República Popular China y muy cerca de la frontera con Nepal. Es una zona de elevada altitud (se ubica a casi 4,000 metros sobre el nivel del mar), en plena cordillera de los Himalayas.
2) Las montañas ubicadas en las coordenadas 32ºS 70ºO son las de la cordillera de los Andes en América del Sur, dado que las coordenadas brindadas pertenecen a Calingasta, en la Provincia de San Juan, Argentina, región cuyo pico máximo de altitud supera los 6,000 metros sobre el nivel del mar.