Las figuras autoritarias viven con el temor constante de no obtener, tener, conservar o perder la autoridad. Su validez tiene que venir de afuera, requiriendo la cooperación, voluntaria o temerosa, de aquellos que están subordinados. Las figuras de autoridad, por otro lado, derivan su validez de elementos de sí mismos, su carácter, conocimiento, experiencia y habilidades, su elección de cómo, cuándo, dónde y en nombre de quién ejercer esa autoridad. Su validez debe provenir de ellos mismos para ser auténticamente procesables
Critical listening refers to the form of listening that involves analysis, indebt thinking and making judgment.
However, critical listening occurs when an individual want to comprehend what is being said by the other person, but simultaneously have some responsibility or reason to evaluate what the speaker is saying and the manner it's being said.
Critical listening helps in assumptions evaluation, and other important information during the interaction. In critical listening, the listener undertakes systematic thinking and reasoning, and this allows the listener to derive whether there's any evidence in the speaker’s speech. Persons with critical listening do not use their opinions to adhere to arguments that are proved to be illogical. They establish facts to evaluate the argument put forth by the speaker, rather than mere opinions. Hence, it involves making a decision in problem-solving procedures.
Conclusively, a person with critical thinking skills are capable of making good decisions in proffering solutions to problems. Hence, these skills helps to increase productivity, laying emphasis on how critical listening plays a vital role during communication.
The process by which the Constitution was approved by the states is known as ratification.
organismic perspective
The Organismic perspective is supported by theories in psychology which all point to the common organization and unity of human beings in terms of each individual's inherent growth or developmental tendency. The idea of a theory such as this dates back to the publication of Kurt Goldstein's The organism.
Organismic theory was especially influenced in psychology by the Gestalt psychology.
Defender of the faith
- On the occasion of the onset of the Reformation on the Continent, Henry turned his policy toward the pope by enacting the Seven Sacred Secrets Act in 1521, which refutes Martin Luther's reform ideas and theses, and defends the foundations of Catholic teaching, which made him receive the title of Defender of the Faith.
- Henry, who initially bore the title of Defender of the Faith, was excommunicated from the Catholic Church by the Pope in 1533.
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