The correct answer is How-To.
The non-fiction genre proposes a writing that excludes the fictitious and works with documentary material without being realistic, emphasizes the montage and the way of organizing the material, rejects the concept of verisimilitude as an illusion of reality, as an attempt to make believe that the text conforms to reality and can faithfully reflect the facts.
Inside it we can find the How-To Genre. As their name indicates, here we can find texts that explain how to do something. They contain a step by step with each of the things that we must do certain specific tasks.
An example of this would be a book that teaches you to repair an appliance.
alienation is the social condition
characterized by low degree of integration or the sharing of common values with
others, and the overwhelming isolation from the community.
is how social alienation is reflected in the following sentences:
1. "We all had the same medals, except the
boy with the black silk bandage across his face, and he had not been at the
front long enough to get any medals. The tall boy with a very pale face who was
to be a lawyer had been lieutenant of Arditi carefully selected volunteers
specializing in dangerous campaigns and had three medals of the sort we each
had only one of. He had lived a very long time with death and was a little
detached.</span> "
all them were from the war, the speaker chose to look at how different they
were--with or without medals, length of service etc. Social alienation caused
by war is shown here as the speaker describes each person not by his social
skills, but by social status/ position in the military.
We were all a little detached, and there
was nothing that held us together except that we met every afternoon at the
hospital. </span>
<span> The speaker explains the disposition of them
three. they were disconnected and withdrawn. Social alienation is characterized
by disinterest and indifference to others, even if they shared an experience.
The speaker expresses his remote feelings to the others by mentioning the
afternoon sessions in the hospital is the only thing that is common to them
Although, as we walked to the Cova
through the tough part of town, walking in the dark, with light and singing
coming out of the wine-shops, and sometimes having to walk into the street when
the men and women would crowd together on the sidewalk so that we would have
had to jostle them to get by, we felt held together by there being something
that had happened that they, the people who disliked us, did not understand.</span>
this sentence, the speaker showed social alienation caused by war as he relates
the standoffishness between them veterans and the rest of the community( who
disliked them). It shows that social alienation caused by war is the constant feeling and/or thinking that there is
absolutely nothing common between two people or between two groups.</span>
I think the reason why the summary need to be revised is : C. the summary lacks transitions that connect ideas
For example, we need to add transition between -enkai wanted to save his cattle- and -He grew a tree that bridged the sky and the earth-
For the 21st Century student, reading Aristotle's 'Rhetoric' can be painful, however there are some important points to discover in relation to the art of persuasion.Aristotle was an Ancient Greek philosopher, and provides one of the earliest discourses on the art of persuasion in the Western tradition.