In general, works cited lists are arranged alphabetically by the author's last name. If the author is unknown, entries are alphabetized by the first word in their titles (note, however, to drop A, An, or The). Titles of books, periodicals, newspapers, and films are italicized.
The media does not control our behavior but it can control what you know and that can influence your behavior and how you think. It can do this if you get lazy and get all your news, info, and impressions of the world from a few similar sources. But then, if you do that, it's not the media controlling you. It's you surrendering control of your own thought processes. With a fair amount of judgment, intelligence, and curiosity, anyone can become totally immune to any media bias or "control." All you have to do is question, think, verify stories you consider suspicious, and read read read widely. Many magazines, many books, many sources other than TV. And as to those commercials that probably control your behavior more than any news, turn 'em off. Be a citizen, not a consumer.
Can I have brainliest please? :)
A gerund is a verb functioning as a noun. In this case, the gerund is "band-aid" and it is the direct object of the sentence, where "on the cut" is the phrase of the indirect object, which is the "cut". Hope this helps!
Answer: Band-aid, functions as the direct object