_ C _The small, young puppy enjoys a game of fetch.
__ I __Before class starts, Sara and Jenny likes to practice playing their violins together. (Change likes to like)
_ I _A small toddler in the preschool class refuse to take a nap after lunch. (Change refuse to refuses)
__ C __Each member on the debate team must participate in the final round.
__ I __The flower bouquet smell wonderfully. (Change smell to smells)
Switch the verbs to singular when the subject is singular and switch the verbs to plural when the subjects are plural for the Subject-Verb Agreement.
The president and vice president must be a natural-born citizen of the United States, at least 35 years old, and have been a resident of the United States of America for at least 14 years.
the semicolon is there to indicate a pause between 2 main clauses
so this would be correct
When citing a play with numbered lines, the MLA parenthetical citation should include the author name and the act, scene and line number(s). If the lines are not numbered, include the page number instead.