Las locomotoras, las industrias, y todos los avances tecnológicos que tuvieron lugar a inicios del siglo XX sin duda facilitaron la vida de los seres humanos. Esto es así porque fueron el puntapié inicial que dio origen a la globalización, De esta manera, rompieron con el aislamiento entre las distintas naciones, formando mercados internacionales, redes de transporte y comunicación masivas, y colaborando con el progreso de la salud y el bienestar de los seres humanos a través del desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos, alimentos y otros insumos.
He was the running mate of Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Republican Party presidential nominee in the 1952 election. Nixon served for eight years as Vice President, becoming the second-youngest vice president in history at age 40.
Life is what you make it, and depending on how you live your life is how you feel about death.
It gave citizenship to former slaves after the civil war, as well as their posterity.
It says that everyone who was born in the US is given a free citizenship, which included the African Americans.