A Our Milky Way galaxy is part of a neighborhood of 54 other galaxies
Companionate love
we know that when we have strong affection with we live is deeply involved that is Companionate love because Companionate love is about trust and commitment and intimacy and the affection
so that when we go for long term relationship compassionate love feel passionate about each other
so here we can say correct option is c. Companionate love
The proportion of plants with deep flowers in future generations will decrease and will be very low.
To analyze this, we need to keep in mind the pollination process and the following general ideas:
- Bees with long tongues can obtain nectar from deep flowers by visiting the top of them and extending their tongues to their bottom.
- During their visit to the flowers and their search for nectar, long-tongued bees transport pollen from flower to flower, favoring pollination.
- Bees with short tongues can obtain nectar from deep flowers by drilling holes in their base without visiting their tops.
- Short-tongued bees do not need to access the nectar by the top of the flower. They do not get in contact with stamens, so they do not play a pollinator roll.
- In a particular environment, bees with short tongues replace bees with long tongues.
In this particular environment, long-tongued bees used to visit plants with deep flowers to get their nectar. They used to get in contact with mature stamens and carry the pollen on their bodies to the next flower. During this process, long-tongued bees were able to ensure pollination and helped to keep a high reproductive rate of plants with deep flowers.
When shorted-tongue bees arrived at this environment, they were able to replace long-tongued bees. They also looked for the nectar of deep flowers, but instead of visiting them from the top, they were adapted to obtain nectar by drilling holes in the flower base. In this way, they missed the contact with mature stamens and pollen.
Long-tongued bees disappear, and short-tongued bees did not play a role in the pollination process of deep flowers, then the reproductive rate of these vegetable species probably started to decline.
Probably, with time, the proportion of plants with deep flowers in an environment dominated by short-tongued bees will be very low.
The sand will absorb more energy. This is because it is a solid, and more of a conductor of heat. Water on the other hand is not a conducter of heat, You can observe that even more when temperatures are equal.
Hope this helps :)
The plastic bags held
more weight compared to the paper bags. The breaking points for the
plastic bags are the handles. The weak points for the paper bags are the bottom
and sides of the bag. The plastic bags held more weight and could conform to
different shapes and stretching characteristics.