While there is competition between companies in a command economy, it is wholly regulated. A pure market economy would have pure unfiltered competition (in theory).
"The gallbladder becomes thickened and functions poorly."
The nurse instructor indicates effective learning about this inference since the information was not exactly what the student was mentioning, but that is exactly what it is possible to conclude since Chronic Cholecystitis symptoms involve strong biliary colics accompanied of repetitive pain attacks that occur when the cystic duct is blocked by the gallstones.
Those issues are: High rate of teen pregnancy.
Because of unprotected sexual activities. This usually became a huge hindrance for the girls in continuing the school and pursuing their career in the future.
High rate of drug trafficking. Which employ many young teenagers to be their dealers. When there is a police record about this crime, it is very unlikely that those teenagers will be able to get a proper job again.