30 August 1993
A 1992-93 Fulbright-Garcia Robles grant administered by the U.S.-Mexico Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange supported this research. Thanks to Michael L. Dziedzic, Jose Thiago Cintra, Guadelupe Gonzalez, Rodney Propst and C.J. Polk for their generous assistance which made this research possible.
Hello OwO
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The answer is B. Literacy rates are increasing in the region, and the gap between men and women is decreasing. Annual regional-level literacy estimates based on national data and the Unesco Institute for Statistics projections from 1990 to 2016 tell us that Eastern and South-Eastern Asia, Southern Asia, and Northern Africa and Western Asia have made the greatest progress in improving adult literacy over the past 26 years .
According to the Fact Sheet No. 45 dated September 2017 of the Unesco Institute for Statistics, Northern Africa and Western Asia literacy rate went from 64% to 81. The youth literacy rate increased in Northern Africa and Western Asia from 80% to 90% and sub-Saharan Africa from 65% to 75%. Female literacy rates-lower than male literacy rates at the start of the period - generally grew faster than male literacy rates between 1990 and 2016.Thus, the gap between men and women has decreased in all regions over the past 26 years.
When people suffer from -panic- disorder, they often feel intense fear that something horrible is about to happen. these feelings last minutes and include heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and dizziness?
Nepal is a multilingual, multiethnic, multicultural and multi-religious nation. The people with different faiths, cultures and ethnicities have been living harmoniously since ancient times. Unity in diversity is the defining characteristics of Nepali society. Mutual coexistence, tolerance and cooperation have guided the people in achieving social cohesion, peace and happiness. Ethnic diversity is an asset, not a liability for the Nepali society that has been able to maintain its integrity and sovereignty for centuries. It is owing to its internal resiliency that has buttressed the social and ethnic harmony in the face of political conflict, natural disasters and foreign invasions. There were also moments of crises when cultural, ethnic and religious antagonism was created to smash the demographic and topographic bond, but the nation’s enlightened tradition, rooted in ancient philosophy and conduct, helped keep the deleterious discourses and effects at bay. Now the nation is confidently marching towards stability and prosperity with the promulgation of the inclusive and democratic Constitution in 2015. The ethnic and cultural concord has been at the heart of the nation-building project envisaged by the national charter.
hope it was helpful
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