Indentured servitude differed from slavery in that it was a form of debt bondage, meaning it was an agreed upon term of unpaid labor that usually paid off the costs of the servant's immigration to America. Indentured servants were not paid wages but they were generally housed, clothed, and fed.
The technique being used by actors of in a way of having to
replace their emotions that are unrelated and with their own personal emotions
is a term called substitution. This is a process or an action of having to
replace something or having to exchange a particular thing in which their
emotions are being replaced.
The economic impact of flooding will be people will have to rebuild their home and communities, they will have to relocate and buy or rent new home. They will need to find new job to replace job destroyed in the flood.
<h3>Where do floods occur?</h3>
Mountainous streams and rivers, metropolitan areas, low-lying places, storm drains, and culverts are the areas most prone to flash flooding. This kind of flood is brought on by a river or creek's water level gradually rising.
<h3>What occurs following a flood?</h3>
Homes, buildings, ruined property, and wrecked roads are all visible after a flood. But what you can't see might be just as harmful. Sewage or chemical contamination of floodwaters is common. Live electrical wires and gas leaks are dangerous yet not immediately apparent.
To know more about flooding, visit:
Answer:An individual person of a particular ethnic group does not represent a common cultural experience.
Explanation:when a person is white or black or belongs to any other ethnic group it doesn't mean that whatever that group is associated with she or he will be associated with .
The fact that this person grew up in this kind of environment may have an effect on how she associate herself with things that most black people do because she might have never been exposed to such customs and will probable not even believe in those customs.
A minority ethnic group is not equivalent to a common cultural experience of that particular ethnic group.