Demilitarized Zone is the zone labelled on the map demarcating North Korea and South Korea.
DMZ is the acronym for Demilitarized Zone for the zone of no military and it demarcates the area between North Korea and South Korea. The zone is along the 38th Parallel and is almost 150 miles long.
This area has no military excess with cease fire protocol since the Korean war ended. It is placed over the Korean Peninsula and is in existence since 1953 after the war ended after the period of 3 years from 1950 to 1953.
Gobernar y decir hijo de la pura madre
King Saul,David and Solomon are all from Israel as the previous answer said and I don’t know if this is correct but the three of them are kings.
You should absolutely form your own opinion on this.
but most state taxes go tword education
last year a total of 79 billion dollars was extracted directly from federal, state, and local taxpayers and a little bit less than half went to k-12 and public colleges while higher education like big boy colleges got tax brakes and such schools are mostly funded by tax payers put it in your own words if you think education should be funded by we the people in stuff we already pay or if you think education should be funded by the student.