Mississippi river would be correct answer. gl
The correct answer would be A. Rome collapsed because of internal weakness, not because of attacks from foreign invaders
Every group experiences prejudice among others who are not of the same group. That includes Whites. Blacks. Polish. Jews. Latinos. Irish. Asians. Filipinos. Italians. Gays. Transgender. Young. Old. Rich. Poor. Native American. Aleut. German. Female. Male. Genius. Left-handers. Low-IQ. Bald. Unathletic. Sports fans. Nerds. Unattractive. Tall. Short. Obese. Skinny. Hunters. Fishers. Animal lovers. Environment lovers. Religious. Non-religious.
You name it.
You cannot define a group that lives completely without prejudice, in the USA or in any other country.
the Appalachian Mountains
The Appalachian Mountains form a barrier and present a difficulty for those who want to travel the lands in an east-west direction. This hindered the expansion of British colonies in North American America towards the west, leaving that region decolonized for a long time, since the colonizers thought it best not to try to overcome the challenge, since the path was very incest, inhospitable and could present many dangers .
I think to a degree we should have. In WWII I think entering the war was necessary after Pearl Harbor, but nowadays I think we need to focus on America first, and stop worrying about every little thing in other countries. America has a lot of problems it needs to fix, and pulling out of other countries affairs would be a good way to do so.