They disagreed on if they should be a free country or be a part of Great Britain.
At the time, the Lousiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States giving her power and resources(land, water, trade routes, minerals). It also gave America access to the ports in the area greatly aiding trade. The land had belonged to France before it was sold to America, so the purchase removed their presence in the area for the most part. It also fixed ties with France who had previously asked for aid in the French Revolution to which America said no; giving France money in the form of this purchase healed the connection slightly.
The Oregon territory officially belonged to Britain, but was mostly inhabited by Native Americans. It was a very large area that caused many disputes between the European colonists due to the fur-trade. America gained the land (segments of present-day Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, and Montana) in 1859 when Oregon officially became a state. Many Native Americans were also sent here as America continued to gain territory. The giving over of the land was used to settle the boundary dispute between America and Britain.
1.The theme of belonging is that all people in society want a sense of belonging. The greasers don't really belong anywhere, except for their gang. Their gang is like a family and gives them a sense of belonging and purpose.
2. The Outsiders demonstrates that society really cares about and judges people based on their appearance. We also group people based on stereotypical appearances.
3.Dallas and Johnny are both heroic because they both saved people at the cost of themselves.
Answer: The Constitution of the United States divides the war powers of the federal government between the Executive and Legislative branches: the President is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces (Article II, section 2), while Congress has the power to make declarations of war, and to raise and support the armed forces (Article I, section 8). Over time, questions arose as to the extent of the President's authority to deploy U.S. armed forces into hostile situations abroad without a declaration of war or some other form of Congressional approval. Congress passed the War Powers Resolution in the aftermath of the Vietnam War to address these concerns and provide a set of procedures for both the President and Congress to follow in situations where the introduction of U.S. forces abroad could lead to their involvement in armed conflict.
Conceptually, the War Powers Resolution can be broken down into several distinct parts. The first part states the policy behind the law, namely to "insure that the collective judgment of both the Congress and the President will apply to the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities," and that the President's powers as Commander in Chief are exercised only pursuant to a declaration of war, specific statutory authorization from Congress, or a national emergency created by an attack upon the United States (50 USC Sec. 1541).