I think Your answer is false.
Yes Darwin’s theory of natural selection
Yellow eye rock fish, flounder, Vermilion rock fish, wolf eel, Salmon, Lingcod, black pine, Bottlerush algae, bull kelp, Coralllne algae, rockweed, sea cauliflower, sea staghorn, surf grass, Winged kelp, razor clams, moon snail, dungennes crab, octopus, sea star.
Protein synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm, specifically in the ribosomes. Proteins that are meant to be excreted, such as in the pancreas, are produced in the rough endoplasmic reticulum which is a membrane studded with ribosomes. In organs that primarily function to produce and secrete proteins, there will be a larger rough endoplasmic reticulum with more ribosomes.
The correct answer is a eukaryotic cell. The eukaryotic cell is a bacteria cell that has the same structure as more complex cells. Eukaryotic cells have many structures that help to maintain homeostasis and also to provide energy for the protein synthesis.