Drugs are not a huge topic in school because it is not healthy for anyone to do. All schools are a drug-free zone to keep the kids safe from second hand smoking because it is proven that second hand smoking is more deadly then that person smoking (which is one way drugs can be used) because the person is not immune to the toxins in your body as they are. It can cause heart failure and many other side affects, may resulting in death. It is not something that schools want to promote in a school, just for the fact that they want to the students go far in life and not have to die at a young age because of nicotine use or any other kind of drugs, that is not want a school was built for.
Drugs in school is a strong topic, If you go through your schools handbook you will find lots about drug use and a discipline for that negative behavior.
The last one is the correct answer. It is "It's going to be a long wait," the nurse confided. When someone is speaking, there needs to be quotation marks. Also, <em>It's</em> needs an apostrophe because that makes it stand for "It is" So the last answer is the right one.