The first amendment
The first ammendment is a right that I get to enjoy every single day when I have opinions on anything. I have the unique ability to be able to hold and express my own beliefs, and this is a right that not all people have. It is very crucial that the government be limited in this way because if we did not have the right, we would become robots and no positive change would ever happen, since we would lose the ability to speak up against injustice.
<h3>A. The O. J. Simpson trial
- The Case of O.J Simpson trial was about O.J Simpson who was acquitted for the murder of his ex-wife. The trial lasted for about a year. It was telecast in the T.V with millions of viewers following the trial.
- Soon, the trail became a show for infotainment where viewers watched it for both information and entertainment at the same time.
- A television show called American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson which revolves around the trial around the trial of O.J. Simpson also surfaced in the year 2016 which has gained a lot of popularity.
France and Spain joined America and declared war on England
Answer: The Romans believed in a lot of gods, and worshiped deities. Christians on the other hand believe in one God.
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