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It was added to the Constitution to protect the people from the national government from having too much power. Adding the Bill of Rights helped change many people's minds to ratify the Constitution. The bill of rights protects the rights of people in the minority. The minority cannot have their rights taken away.
I hope this helps you.
Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863, freed all the slaves in rebellion areas. The acceptance of black men in the navy and Union army are also proclaimed. Emancipation Proclamation also persuaded the abolitionists in the North to Lincoln's side and gave him the advantage he needed against the South. The Gettysburg address is declared more or less that we are a unified nation, and not separated fighting against one another.
Great Compromise
Conventional delegates are individuals who represent their state at national party conventions.
The Great Compromise was an agreement reached by large and small states during the 1787 Constitutional Convention, which established in part the legislative structure and representation which each state would have under the Constitution of the United States. The Great Compromise was a compromise between big states and small states over how much authority states should have under the Constitution of the United States. The Great Compromise was a compromise between big states and small states over how much authority states should have under the Constitution of the United States.
Protect your valuables in case something drastic happens. For instance, one of my neighbors died unexpectedly at 51. Because he had a large life insurance claim, the family is okay financially.