Answer: population density
El cuidado del medio hambiente
Es porque si usamos un traste ya sea un embase estamos cuidando el medio hambiente,y si usamos bolsas u otras cosas que son inorganicos
contaminan nuestro hambiente.
Light is sn important element in the growth of a plant.
Light is an important factor influencing plant growth. It is a common observation that plants grow towards light. Charles Darwin and his son Francis Darwin first observed that the coleoptiles of canary grass responded to unilateral illumination by growing towards the light source (phototropism). After a series of experiments, it was concluded that the tip of coleoptile was the site of transmittable influence that caused the bending of the entire coleoptile due to more growth on the dark side. That transmittable influence is now thought to be the phytohormone called auxin.
END of the answer.
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All the important functions of our body would simply be too slow for us to survive such as digestion. if we didn't digest quick enough our stomachs would be bloated all the time
Students hypothesized that adding lactose to a sixth test tube would produce the greatest amount of carbon dioxide.
This is because lactose is a sugar molecule that is the food source for the yeast.
Fermentation is a metabolic pathway that occurs anaerobically, meaning in the absence of oxygen (O2). It includes the process of glycolysis with some extra reactions which make alcohol.